V Mariborsko mestno občino so prispele 4 družine iz Sirije, ki so pridobile status mednarodne zaščite. Ena izmed družin bo nastanjena v integracijski hiši v Mariboru, preostale tri pa v zasebnih nastanitvah. Kljub ˝lokalnim pobudam,˝ ki so nastrojene proti beguncem in so podprte z določenimi političnimi strankami jim zaželimo čim hitrejše in čim lažje vključevanje v novo okolje.
4 families from Syria arrived in the Maribor municipality, which acquired the status of international protection. One of the families will be accommodated in an integration house in Maribor, and the other three in private accommodation. Despite “local initiatives” that are anti-refugee and supported by certain political parties, we wish them the fastest and easiest possible integration into the new environment.