During the last months, we prepared an exhibition about flight, the causes of flight and the aftermaths for the people who have to leave their home and their family. We collected the voices of nine refugees who came from Syria to Germany or who fled thirty years ago from East Germany and the Czech Republic to West Germany
All the information about the flight of these people are combined and can be heard in the exhibition Grenzen-Gänger: Was hat die Flucht aus der DDR mit heute gemeinsam? (Border-Travelers: What does seeking refuge from the German Democratic Republic have in common with today?).
On the occasion of the intercultural week’s opening in Nordhausen, the exhibition’s vernissage was celebrated with an intercultural food and cooking event. Now the exhibition can be seen at the Nordhausen city library until 19th October 2019. After this, the material is available at Eine Welt Netzwerk Thüringen e. V.
Activities linked with the exhibition Grenzen-Gänger: Was hat die Flucht aus der DDR mit heute gemeinsam? (Border-Travelers: What does seeking refuge from the German Democratic Republic have in common with today?) during the intercultural week also included visits from Petersbergschule Nordhausen’s school classes to learn something about the causes of flight and what effects flight has on families. We invited refugees, whose interviews are part of the exhibition, to tell the pupils about their experiences. Together, we looked at parts of the exhibition and the students could directly exchange with the refugees and ask questions.
All in all, about 50 students between the age of 11 to 16 visited our exhibition during these two days and had a lively exchange about the subject flight.