Zaradi letošnje hude zime prihajajo iz Bosne in Hercegovine pretresljiva poročila o položaju migrantov, ki se skušajo po Balkanski poti prebiti v države zahodne Evrope. V Bosni in Hercegovini je trenutno med 7 in 10 tisoč migrantov, ki se nahajajo v okolici Sarajeva in na zahodu Bosne v okolici mesta Bihač. Migranti so se znašli v grozljivi situaciji, saj za njih v teh težkih zimskih razmerah pravzaprav ne skrbi nihče in so prepuščeni samo sebi in pomoči nekaterim nevladnim organizacijam.
Le majhen delež migrantov je ustrezno oskrbljen. Večina migranti nima ustrezne strehe nad glavo, največkrat taborijo kar v gozdu, nimajo ustreznih oblačil, zdravstvene oskrbe ter prehrane.
Razmere so odraz situacije, v kateri se Evropa zapira in prepušča migrante tranzitnim državam, ki pa jim oskrba migrantov, zaradi slabih gospodarskih razmer predstavlja velikansko breme. Primer Bosne in Hercegovine pa je še posebej pereč, saj se država sooča poleg gospodarskih težav sooča tudi z velikimi političnimi težavami post Daytonskega obdobja. Evropska unija nosi del soodgovornosti za trenutne razmere, še posebej v luči dejstva, da so migranti v Bosno in Hercegovino prišli iz držav Evropske unije (Grčije, Bolgarije). Evropska unija sicer namenja sredstva za pomoč migrantom v Bosni in Hercegovini ampak je obseg premajhen, še posebej pa ni nadzora pri porabi teh sredstev.
Vir fotografije: DELO.
Due to this year’s severe winter, shocking reports are coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina about the situation of migrants trying to reach the countries of Western Europe. There are currently between 7,000 and 10,000 migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina, located around Sarajevo and in the west of Bosnia around the city of Bihac. Migrants find themselves in a horrific situation, as they are not really cared for by anyone in these difficult winter conditions and are left to fend for themselves and to the help of some NGOs.
Only a small proportion of migrants are adequately cared for. Most migrants do not have a suitable roof over their heads, most of the time they camp in the forest, they do not have adequate clothing, medical care and nutrition.
The situation is a reflection of a situation in which Europe is closing down and leaving migrants to transit countries, but the care of migrants is a huge burden for transit countries due to their poor economic situation. The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina is particularly acute, as the country is facing not only economic problems but also major political problems in the post-Dayton period. The European Union bears part of the co-responsibility for the current situation, especially in light of the fact that migrants came to Bosnia and Herzegovina from European Union countries (Greece, Bulgaria). The European Union allocates funds to help migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but the volume is too small, and in particular there is no control over the use of these funds.
Photo source: DELO.